Thursday, November 12, 2009

They're Growing Up ....

                                          Doi Saket I Campus
Tonight we went to Doi Saket 1 -- our original and first Thai orphan home.  It was a mid-week devotions and worship meeting.  Worship with 70 singing, smiling, holy and transparent orphans is such a moving experience it is beyond description; it brings me to tears every time.  My, what we can learn from these children!

These Doi Saket kids have a special place in our hearts; we were learning how to "do" an orphan home while they were making a major life-changing movement into a strange place with people they have never seen. (A movement over which they had no say or control.)  In a sense, we learned from each other.

We have known most of them for five years, visited twice a year; we have become close, family.  Upon entering the campus we were overwhelmed by smiling, truly happy children hugging us vying for a hand to touch, a leg to cling to, a pat on the back.  And with full, glad hearts we obliged each and every one of them!  They knew us, they were happy to see us, we were part of their circle.

These "kids" were growing up, changing; the youngest ones were not that young, they don't fit so easily on my lap as they once did.  We have teenagers now.  We have been watching them grow, mature; we have seen them bond into a true, loving family.  No longer are they orphans, they are family.

Then it hit me ... this is what it is all about.  Bringing orphans into family, God's family, our family.  It is working!  Asia's Hope is working; these kids ARE Asia's Hope!  To God goes the glory.

We are SO privileged to know these children, those God calls "the least of these".  I am here to tell you there is nothing "least" in any of these kids.

(Note: We have done two back-to-back posts.  Make sure you don't miss "Life is Not Fair".)

1 comment:

  1. John/Bobbi,

    So glad you reached there safely. The pictures are worth more than a thousand words - bless you!
    David and MaryAnn Cash
